recent advances in tourism research. The course focuses on developing a systematic approach to the
study of tourism, using frameworks and formulating critiques. It also concentrates on recent
advances in selected areas of tourism research and the emergence of new themes.
BTM (Hons)/MTM Learning Goals and Objectives
Learning Goal #1: Our graduates will possess and apply an advanced understanding of tourism
management, be able to undertake and use research, and have a range of transferable skills.
Learning Objectives
Graduates will be able to:
(a) demonstrate a critical understanding of theoretical and applied aspects of tourism management
(b) display an advanced appreciation for concepts and methods that inform the management of
tourism organizations, businesses, and resources
(c) design and conduct independent research
(d) develop skills and knowledge that provide a solid platform for further postgraduate study
Learning Goal #2: Our graduates will demonstrate application of critical and creative thinking
skills to practical and theoretical tourism management problems.
Learning Objectives
Graduates will be able to:
(a) think conceptually and analytically about tourism and its management
(b) synthesize and evaluate a range of tourism management issues
(c) access, evaluate, and apply a range of information and data sources
(d) use innovative thinking and creative skills in the context of the tourism business environment
and tourism research
Learning Goal #3: Our graduates will be effective and confident communicators.
Learning Objective
Graduates will be able to communicate ideas and research findings articulately and effectively in a
range of written and oral formats.
Learning Goal #4: By meeting the above learning goals, our graduates will display leadership and
be able to assume positions of responsibility in the tourism industry and related sectors.
Learning Objectives
Graduates will be able to:
(a) engage in effective decision making through their analytical, creative, and communications
skills and experience
(b) demonstrate a mastery of a wide range of tourism management concepts and techniques
Overall Course Objectives
The course objectives for TOUR 401 are:
to foster a critical appreciation of the tourism literature
to expose students to recent advances in tourism research
to provide opportunities to discuss and debate ideas relating to advances in this field
Course Learning Objectives and Skills
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
think critically, conceptually, and systematically about contemporary tourism issues
access, synthesize, and critique information and ideas relating to recent advances in tourism
communicate their own ideas concisely, cogently, and effectively
engage in constructive debate and discussion about a wide range of tourism matters and
thereby develop their leadership skills
Course Content
This course aims to develop a more critical appreciation of recent advances in tourism research
through focused reading and critiques of selected concepts. Emerging trends relevant to the study
and management of tourism are examined. The course is structured thematically. For the most
part, it has a demand-side focus, reflecting the expertise of the course coordinator.
Expected Workload
This course is a 15-point course. According to the university’s assessment handbook, students are
expected to devote a total of 150 hours to TOUR 401. Students taking this course are expected to
meet certain requirements. Students are expected to attend all classes. Because the course will be
run as a seminar, students are expected to contribute to class discussions each week. Seminar
participation will be graded. Important announcements regarding the course will be made during
class. All required tasks, such as assigned reading, are to be completed prior to class so that
relevant issues and concepts can be discussed. Each week, the instructor will provide questions in
order to guide class discussions for the following week.
There is no set text for this course. Journal articles and other relevant material will be made
available to students via Blackboard over the course of the trimester.
Seminar Schedule
Week #1 – Introduction: Expectations, Evaluation, and Preliminary Discussion
Cohen, S., Prayag, G., & Moital, M. (2014). Consumer Behaviour in Tourism: Concepts, Influences
and Opportunities. Current Issues in Tourism 17(10), 872-909.
This article is not a required reading. Rather, it addresses – very broadly – some of the topics
addressed in this course. This article should be of interest (and of use) to those seeking an overview of
recent research in the field of tourist behaviour. It might be worthwhile consulting this article prior to
starting your essays for this course.
Week #2 – Tourism and Service-Dominant Logic
Cabiddu, F., Lui, T-W., & Piccoli, G. (2013). Managing Value Co-Creation in the Tourism Industry.
Annals of Tourism Research, 42, 86-107.
Chathoth, P., Ungson, G., Altinay, L., Chan, E., Harrington, R., & Okumus, F. (2014). Barriers
Affecting Organisational Adoption of Higher Order Customer Engagement in Tourism Service
Interactions. Tourism Management, 42, 181-193.
Shaw, G., & Bailey, A., & Williams, A. (2011). Aspects of Service-Dominant Logic and its
Implications for Tourism Management: Examples from the Hotel Industry. Tourism Management,
32(2), 207-2014.
Week #3 – Tourists and Blogs
Law, R., & Cheung, S. (2010). The Perceived Destination Image of Hong Kong as Revealed in the
Travel Blogs of Mainland Chinese Tourists. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism
Administration, 11(4), 303-327.
Ng, L.Y., & Lee, Y-S. (2014). Confucian-Heritage Travel Bloggers: Chinese Singaporean and South
Korean Perspectives. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 20(2), 149-162.
Wu, M-Y., & Pearce, P. (2014). Chinese Recreational Vehicle Users in Australia: A Netnographic
Study of Tourist Motivation. Tourism Management, 43(1), 22-35.
Week #4 – Muslim Travellers
Henderson, J. (2010). Sharia-Compliant Hotels. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 10(3), 246-254.
Jafari, J., & Scott, N. (2014). Muslim World and Its Tourisms. Annals of Tourism Research, 44, 1-
Stephenson, M. (2014). Deciphering “Islamic Hospitality”: Developments, Challenges and
Opportunities. Tourism Management, 40, 155-164.
Week #5 – The Chinese Outbound Tourist Market
Fountain, J., Espiner, S., & Xie, X. (2011). A Cultural Framing of Nature: Chinese Tourists’
Motivations for, Expectations of, and Satisfaction with their New Zealand Tourist Experience.
Tourism Review International, 14(2/3), 71-83.
Kwek, A., & Lee, Y-S. (2013). Consuming Tourism Experiences: Mainland Chinese Corporate
Travellers in Australia. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 19(4), 301-315.
Pearce, P., Wu, M-Y., & Osmond, A. (2013). Puzzles in Understanding Chinese Tourist Behaviour:
Towards a Triple-C Gaze. Tourism Recreation Research, 38(2), 145-157.
Mid-Trimester Break
Week #6 – Tourism, Niche Markets, and Niche Marketing
Chhabra, D. (2013). The Diaspora Market and Homeland Representations: Implications for Niche
Marketing, Tourism Analysis, 18(3), 259-271.
Tassiopoulos, D., & Haydam, N. (2008). Golf Tourists in South Africa: A Demand-Side Study of a
Niche Market in Sports Tourism. Tourism Management, 29(5), 870-882.
Voigt, C., & Laing, J. (2010). Journey into Parenthood: Commodification of Reproduction as a New
Tourism Niche Market. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 27(3), 252-268.
Week #7 – Travellers with Disabilities and Access Tourism
Lovelock, B. (2010). Planes, Trains and Wheelchairs in the Bush: Attitudes of People with Mobility-
Disabilities to Enhanced Motorised Access in Remote Natural Settings. Tourism Management,
31(3), 357-366.
Richards, V., Pritchard, A., & Morgan, N. (2010). (Re)envisioning Tourism and Visual Impairment.
Annals of Tourism Research, 37(4), 1097-1116.
Wan, Y. (2013). Barriers for People with Disabilities Visiting Casinos. International Journal of
Contemporary Hospitality Management, 25(5), 660-682.
Week #8 – Tourist Complaints
Kozak, M., & Tasci, A. (2006). Intentions and Consequences of Tourist Complaints. Tourism
Analysis, 11(4), 231-239.
Memarzadeh, F., & Chang, H. (2015). Online Consumer Complaints about Southeast Asian Luxury
Hotels. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 24(1), 76-98.
Sparks, B., & Browning, V. (2010). Complaining in Cyberspace: The Motives and Forms of Hotel
Guests’ Complaints Online. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 19(7), 797-818.
Week #9 – Tourism and Shopping
Chang, J-C. (2014). Selling Strategies and Shopping Behaviour – An Example of Taiwanese Guided
Package Tourists to Mainland China Destinations. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality &
Tourism, 15(2), 190-212.
Way, K., & Robertson, L. (2013). Shopping and Tourism Patterns of Attendees of the Bikes, Blues
& BBQ Festival. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 22(1), 116-133.
Wu, M-Y., Wall, G., & Pearce, P. (2014). Shopping Experiences: International Tourists in Beijing’s
Silk Market. Tourism Management, 41, 96-106.
Week #10 – Responsible Tourism and Consumption
Cohen, S., Higham, J., & Reis, A. (2013). Sociological Barriers to Developing Sustainable
Discretionary Air Travel Behaviour. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 21(7), 982-998.
Miller, G., Rathouse, K., Scarles, C., Holmes, K., & Tribe, J. (2010). Public Understanding of
Sustainable Tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 37(3), 627-645.
Stanford, D. (2008). “Exceptional Visitors”: Dimensions of Tourist Responsibility in the Context of
New Zealand. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 16(3), 258-275.
Week #11 – The Consumption of Gifts and Souvenirs
Clarke, J. (2007). The Four ‘S’s’ of Experience Gift Giving Behaviour. International Journal of
Hospitality Management, 26(1), 98-116.
Clarke, J. (2013). Experiential Aspects of Tourism Gift Consumption. Journal of Vacation
Marketing, 19(1), 75-87.
Peters, K. (2011). Negotiating the “Place” and “Placement” of Banal Tourist Souvenirs in the Home.
Tourism Geographies, 13(2), 234-256.
Week #12 – Recent Industry Research
For this class, we will read a small selection of recent tourism industry reports. Please contact me if
there is an industry report you wish to read. Perhaps you will come across one or two during the
course of the trimester that you would recommend. I will provide you with copies of the industry
reports we will read prior to the final week of the class.
Assessment Requirements
Assessment #1 – Essay (45% of the final grade)
Due Date: Wednesday, 1 April at 4pm
Assessment #2 – Essay (45% of the final grade)
Due Date: Wednesday, 20 May at 4pm
Assessment #3 – Seminar Participation (10% of the final grade)
Assessment Period: Tuesday, 3 March to Tuesday, June 2 (inclusive)
Assessment #1: Instructions for the First Essay
For assessment #1, please write an essay that addresses one of the three questions below. You will
find that our weekly class readings will assist you in answering the essay questions. Your essay
should be between 3,000 and 3,500 words in length. The due date is Wednesday, 1 April at 4pm.
1. What is service-dominant logic? Summarize and critically evaluate the main features of this
paradigm as it relates to tourism and identify avenues for future research.
Other Recommended Sources
Line, N., & Runyan, R. (2014). Destination Marketing and the Service-Dominant Logic: A Resource-Based
Operationalization of Strategic Marketing Assets. Tourism Management, 43, 91-102.
FitzPatrick, M., Davey, J., Muller, L., & Davey, H. (2013). Value-Creating Assets in Tourism Management:
Applying Marketing’s Service-Dominant Logic in the Hotel Industry. Tourism Management, 36, 86-
Solnet, D. (2012). Service Management in Hospitality Education: Review and Reflection. Journal of
Hospitality Marketing & Management, 21(2), 184-214.
Li, X., & Petrick, J. (2011). Tourism Marketing in an Era of Paradigm Shift. Journal of Travel Research,
46(3), 235-244.
2. What are travel blogs? How have blogs been studied by tourism scholars to date and what
could be done to advance blog-related research?
Other Recommended Sources
Banyai, M. (2012). Travel Blogs: A Reflection of Positioning Strategies. Journal of Hospitality Marketing &
Management, 21(4), 421-439.
Bosangit, J., Dulnuan, J., & Mena, M. (2012). Using Travel Blogs to Examine the Postconsumption
Behaviour of Tourists. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 18(3), 207-219.
Carson, D. (2008). The “Blogosphere” as a Market Research Tool for Tourism Destinations: A Case Study
of Australia’s Northern Territory. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 14(2), 111-119.
Huang, L., Yung, C-Y., & Yang, E. (2011). How Do Travel Agencies Obtain a Competitive Advantage?
Through a Travel Blog Marketing Channel. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 17(2), 139-149.
Li, X., & Wang, Y. (2011). China in the Eyes of Western Travelers as Represented in Travel Blogs. Journal
of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 28(7), 689-719.
Magnini, V., Crotts, J., & Zehrer, A. (2011). Understanding Customer Delight: An Application of Travel
Blog Analysis. Journal of Travel Research, 50(5), 535-545.
Pühringer, S., & Taylor, A. (2008). A Practitioner’s Report on Blogs as a Potential Source of Destination
Marketing Intelligence. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 14(2), 177-187.
Tsaur, S-H., Wu, D-H., Yen, C-H., & Wu, M-H. (2014). Promoting Relationship Marketing of Tour Leaders’
Blog: The Role of Charisma. International Journal of Tourism Research, 16(5), 417-428.
Tseng, C., Wu, B., Morrison, A., Zhang, J., & Chen, Y-C. (2015). Travel Blogs on China as a
Destination Image Formation Agent: A Qualitative Analysis Using Leximancer. Tourism
Management, 46, 347-358.
Tussyadiah, I., & Fesenmaier, D. (2008). Marketing Places through First-Person Stories – An Analysis of
Pennsylvania Roadtripper Blog. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 25(3-4), 299-311.
Volo, S. (2010). Bloggers’ Reported Tourist Experiences: Their Utility as a Tourism Data Source and Their
Effect on Prospective Tourists. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 16(4), 297-311.
3. Explain how the study of Muslim travellers has advanced in recent years. Why have these
advances taken place and how might the study of Muslim travellers continue to advance?
Other Recommended Sources
Battour, M., Ismail, M., & Battor, M. (2010). Toward a Halal Tourism Market. Tourism Analysis, 15(4),
Battour, M., Ismail, M., & Battor, M. (2011). The Impact of Destination Attributes on Muslim Tourist’s
Choice. International Journal of Tourism Research, 13(6), 527-540.
Battour, M., Battor, M., & Ismail, M. (2012). The Mediating Role of Tourist Satisfaction: A Study of
Muslim Tourists in Malaysia. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 29(3), 279-297.
Eid, R. (2012). Towards a High-Quality Religious Tourism Marketing: The Case of Hajj Service in Saudi
Arabia. Tourism Analysis, 17(4), 509-522.
Eid, R., & El-Gohary, H. (2015). The Role of Islamic Religiosity on the Relationship Between Perceived
Value and Tourist Satisfaction, Tourism Management, 46, 477-488.
Kim, S., Im, H., & King, B. (2015). Muslim Travelers in Asia: The Destination Preferences and Brand
Percpetions of Malaysian Tourists. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 21(1), 3-21.
Assessment #2: Instructions for the Second Essay
For assessment #2, please write an essay that addresses one of the three questions below. You will
find that our weekly class readings will assist you in answering the essay questions. Your essay
should be between 3,000 and 3,500 words in length. The due date is Wednesday, 20 May at 4pm.
1. What are the main issues addressed by researchers who study travellers with disabilities?
What issues are worthy of future research and why do you believe these issues are worthy of
scholarly attention?
Other Recommended Sources
Blichfeldt, B., & Nicolaisen, J. (2011). Disabled Travel: Not Easy, but Doable. Current Issues in Tourism,
14(1), 79-102.
Buhalis, D., & Darcy, S. (Eds.) (2011). Accessible Tourism: Concepts and Issues. Bristol: Channel View
Daniels, M., Drogin Rodgers, E., & Wiggins, B. (2005). “Travel Tales”: An Interpretive Analysis of
Constraints and Negotiations to Pleasure Travel as Experienced by Persons with Physical
Disabilities. Tourism Management, 26(6), 919-930.
Darcy, S., Cameron, B., & Pegg, S. (2010). Accessible Tourism and Sustainability: A Discussion and
Case Study. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 18(4), 515-537.
Huh, C., & Singh, A. (2007). Families Travelling with a Disabled Member: Analysing the Potential of
an Emerging Niche Market Segment. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 7(3/4), 212-229.
Kim, S., & Lehto, X. (2012). The Voice of Tourists with Mobility Disabilities: Insights from Online
Customer Complaint Websites. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,
24(3), 451-476.
Shaw, G., & Coles, T. (2004). Disability, Holiday Making and the Tourism Industry in the UK: A
Preliminary Study. Tourism Management, 25(3), 397-404.
Yau, M., McKercker, B., & Packer, T. (2004). Traveling with a Disability: More than an Access Issue.
Annals of Tourism Research, 31(4), 946-960.
2. What are common tourist complaints? How and why should they be addressed?
Other Recommended Sources
Au, N., Buhalis, D., & Law, R. (2014). Online Complaining Behaviour in Mainland China Hotels: The
Perception of Chinese and Non-Chinese Customers. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism
Administration, 15(3), 248-274.
Chang, D-S., & Chung, J-H. (2012). Risk Evaluation of Group Package Tour Service Failures that Result in
Third-Party Complaints. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 29(8), 817-834.
Matusitz, J., & Breen, G-M. (2009). Consumer Dissatisfaction, Complaints, and the Involvement of Human
Resource Personnel in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry. Journal of Human Resources in
Hospitality & Tourism, 8(2), 234-246,
Shea, L., Enghagen, L., & Khullar, A. (2004). Internet Diffusion of an E-Complaint. Journal of Travel &
Tourism Marketing, 7(2-3), 145-165.
Weaver, A. (2012). Written Complaints, Third-Party Intervention, and the Management of Paradoxes:
Integrating Extremes. Tourism Analysis, 17(3), 259-272.
3. What types of shopping are available to tourists? How and why is tourist shopping
Other Recommended Sources
Chang, K-C. (2014). Examining the Effect of Tour Guide Performance, Tourist Trust, Tourist Satisfaction,
and Flow Experience on Tourists’ Shopping Behaviour. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research,
19(2), 219-247.
Kong, W., & Chang, T-Z. (2012). The Role of Souvenir Shopping in a Diversified Macau Destination
Portfolio. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 21(4), 357-373.
Lehto, X., Chen, S., & Silkes, C. (2014). Tourist Shopping Style Preferences. Journal of Vacation
Marketing, 20(1), 3-15.
Moscardo, G. (2004). Shopping as a Destination Attraction: An Empirical Examination of the Role of
Shopping in Tourists’ Destination Choice and Experience. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 10(4),
Park, K-S., Reisinger, Y., & Noh, E-H. (2010). Luxury Shopping in Tourism. International Journal of
Tourism Research, 12(2), 164-178.
Wong, I. (2013). Mainland Chinese Shopping Preferences and Service Perceptions in the Asian Gaming
Destination of Macau. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 19(3), 230-251.
There is a distinct possibility that my essay questions (for both assessment #1 and assessment #2)
do not appeal to you. As a result – and given that the scope of the course is broad – I am willing to
allow you to prepare your own essay. Students who wish to prepare their own essay question must
meet with me. You will need to draft your essay question and I will need to review and approve it.
I would also ask that you provide me with a list of scholarly sources you plan to consult so that we
can determine if there is an adequate amount of material to support your research.
In addition, you are welcome to re-word the questions I have prepared (see above). I will, however,
need to approve your revisions to my essay questions.
Assessment #3: Seminar Participation
The seminar participation grades are a function of preparation for class, listening to the
contributions of one’s peers, and responding to – and building on – comments made by others.
Students are expected to answer the weekly discussion questions (by contributing to the seminar
discussions) and offer informed opinions in class based on a careful reading of the assigned journal
articles and industry publications. To practice critical and creative thinking, one must take the risk
of sharing one’s views and be prepared to receive, and respond to, feedback from others regarding
the quality of your ideas. After the mid-trimester break, I will provide students with a provisional
tutorial participation grade. This grade is the one they would receive if the course were to end after
six weeks. The provisional grades are intended to provide students with some feedback about their
performance in tutorial. Guidelines for the evaluation of seminar participation will be
distributed in the first class.
Grading Guidelines
The following broad indicative characterisations of grade will apply in grading assignments and the
Grade Normal
Midpoint Indicative characterisation
Pass A+ 90%–100% 95 Outstanding performance
A 85%–89% 87 Excellent performance
A- 80%–84% 82 Excellent performance in most respects
B+ 75%–79% 77 Very good performance
B 70%–74% 72 Good performance
B- 65%–69% 67 Good performance overall, but some weaknesses
C+ 60%–64% 62 Satisfactory to good performance
C 55%–59% 57 Satisfactory performance
C- 50%–54% 52 Adequate evidence of learning
Fail D 40%–49% 45 Poor performance overall, some evidence of
E 0%–39% 20 Well below the standard required
Other Matters Related to Assessment
The Assessment Handbook will apply to all VUW courses. See
The essays you write for this course will address the first three course learning objectives for TOUR
401. Seminar participation addresses the course’s four course learning objectives (see page 2 of the
course outline).
Submitting Assignments
Students must prepare two copies of each essay and keep the second copy for their own reference.
Students should keep an electronic copy of their essays archived in case the original goes missing.
Failure to do so will jeopardise any claim by you that your work was submitted in the rare cases
where your work goes astray. Please submit your essays to Luisa Acheson or one of the staff
members at the School of Management’s reception desk (RH 1022).
Mandatory Course Requirements
In addition to obtaining an overall course mark of 50 or better, students must
a. attend all classes, and
b. submit all assignments within the allowable timeframe (see the “penalties” section below)
Students who fail to satisfy the mandatory requirements for this course but who obtain 50% or more
overall, will be awarded a “K” grade. Standard fail grades (D or E) will be awarded when the
student’s overall course mark falls below the minimum pass mark, regardless of whether the
mandatory course requirements have been satisfied or not.
If you cannot complete an assignment or sit a test or examination, refer to
Penalties for Lateness & Excessive Length of Assignments
In fairness to other students, work submitted after any deadline will incur a penalty for lateness.
(i) The Tourism Management Group has implemented a standardized late penalty for
all tourism courses. Students who submit late assignments will be penalized at a
rate of 5% per day (including weekends). Saturdays, Sundays and public
holidays will be included when counting the number of days late. Assignments
received more than 7 days after the due date will not be accepted and the student
will automatically fail the Mandatory Course Requirements.
(ii) Extensions will only be granted under special circumstances. Students who wish to
apply for an extension must contact the course coordinator before the due date.
Students who apply for an extension due to illness must obtain a medical
certificate. Medical certificates must specify that the student is “unfit to study”.
Medical certificates must also indicate the duration of the illness. Please take note:
computer problems are not a case for extension. Please submit late assignments to
the School of Management’s reception desk (RH 1022) or the course coordinator
(Adam Weaver).
(iii) Course outlines provide a signal to students of forthcoming workload and dates of
submission, and thus student study plans should take account of course
requirements across all courses. Extensions to submission deadlines for any
assigned work will only be granted in exceptional circumstances.
(iv) Students who are unable to comply with any of the mandatory requirements should
make a written application for an extension to the due date for submission of
assigned work or for waiver of a penalty, in advance, to a course coordinator,
providing documentary evidence of the reasons of their circumstances.
All such applications must be made before the deadline and be accompanied by
documentary evidence, e.g. a medical certificate, or counsellor’s report clearly
stating the degree of impairment, and the dates the illness or event prevented you
from undertaking your academic studies. This can be applied retrospectively.
In the event of unusual or unforeseeable circumstances (e.g. serious illness, family bereavement or
other exceptional events), that precludes an application in advance, students should make contact
with the course coordinator as soon as possible, and make application for waiver of a penalty as
soon as practicable.
Policy on Re-Marking Assignments
Every attempt is made to ensure that the marking of assignments is consistent and fair to students.
If you have a question about your grade, first talk to the course coordinator. As per Victoria
Business School policy, students may ask for their written work to be re-marked. Requests for a remark
must be made within 14 days after the grades are made available. Please submit the request to
the course coordinator (Adam Weaver). Allow up to 5 working days for re-marks to be completed.
Class Representative
A class representative will be elected for the 400-level tourism management courses. This
representative provides a communication channel to liaise with the course coordinator on behalf of
Communication of Additional Information
Additional information about the course will be communicated to students either in class or via email.
Student Feedback
Adam Weaver is teaching TOUR 401 for the first time this year. Previously, the course had been
taught by Doug Pearce.
Student feedback on university courses may be found at
Link to General Information
For general information about course-related matters, go to
Note to Students
Your assessed work may also be used for quality assurance purposes, such as to assess the level of
achievement of learning objectives as required for accreditation and academic audit. The findings
may be used to inform changes aimed at improving the quality of VBS programmes. All material
used for such processes will be treated as confidential, and the outcome will not affect your grade
for the course.
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