Course Title: Physical Agents
The aim of this assignment is to familiarise students with the administrative and legislative control of physical agents within their own country.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this assignment, you will –
Be familiar with the legislation currently enforced within your own country or state dealing with physical agents
Understand the enforcement provisions made by your country or state to ensure the legislation dealing with physical agents is complied with
Be able to critically evaluate your country or state’s legislation and/or enforcement provision for the control of physical agents in the workplace.
Exposure and control requirements for physical agents in the workplace are often governed by state legislation as well as guidance and research. Write a 1500 word essay that discusses the key issues relating to the legislation, administrative controls and recent published research as it relates to any one of the workplace physical agents given below:
Vibration (This what I choose for my essay) Ionising radiation
Non-Ionising radiation Extremes of temperature
Administrative controls can include published standards and/or guidance that may be applied where there is no or limited legislation or in addition to legislative requirements.
General Instruction
You should research a range of reference materials including recent published research relating to the physical agent you are discussing. Journal articles on research can be found through the portal in the e-library using science direct, for guidance on accessing journals and eBooks online please refer to the accessing electronic resources guide on Moodle. The work is to be word-processed and appropriately referenced using the Harvard system of referencing. It should be presented in the form of an essay and the length must be with 10% of 1500 word limit, excluding appendices, bibliography, etc. A word count must be included.
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