of assignment
The broad aim of
this assignment is to encourage you to assess the international hospitality and
tourism environment by comparing the host country with the UK, and make
judgements based on empirical evidence from published literature about the most
appropriate management approaches to adopt in a specific case study situation.
It also aims to increase your awareness of the relationship between strategic
international human resource management and the successful operation of an
international hospitality or tourism organisation.
As a consultant acting for a UK based
international hospitality and tourism operator with an interest in entering a
designated market sector in the specified host country write a report in two
Part A - (30%
of marks)
Use an
established scanning framework (such as PESTE), and cultural models (such as
Hofstede, Trompenaars etc.) you should compare the UK and your host country for
similarities and differences. From this analysis, write a succinct summary of
the key factors which might affect people management approaches and practices
in your host country.
You will need to
demonstrate research into areas which may impact upon labour markets and people
management such as :
q Legislation
differences which may affect labour
market / employment relationships/ costs of employment (comparative labour
q Economic and
structural factors such as type of
industries / level of industrialisation, skills and expertise available / Vocational
Education and Training (V.E.T), general education levels as well as broader
labour market characteristics.
q Social and cultural
conventions at home and work, e.g. attitudes to education, participation in the
labour market and society, gender roles etc. as well as cultural characteristics
from some of the available models.
B (70% of marks).
Drawing on your
research from Part A, and after evaluating people management theories introduced
within the lectures and seminars :
Recommend and justify appropriate people management
strategies, policies and practices in your designated market sector in the host
country investigated.
Your report should demonstrate :
q An appropriate strategic orientation (EPRG) and
people management approach for the new operation in your host country (a
variant of HRM or PM/IR etc.)
q Recommendations for the people management
approaches to be adopted by the organisation, which should include relevant
procedures and policies for specific groups of employees (operative through to
managerial level) for TWO of the follwing
equal opportunities & diversity
& development
and Submission
is a maximum of 5000 words for this assignment; in addition no more than
8 pages of appendices may be submitted alongside your report.
Submission and layout requirements
You will need to ensure that your report
meets the assessment criteria below and follows the correct layout and format
summary covering main findings for both parts
Title page
with specified host country and market sector and word count
list with page numbers.
main sections – answering Parts A and B
of the assignment brief.
and summary recommendations
(follow the Harvard conventions see Library referencing guide ‘Cite them Right’).
Submission will be electronically via Moodle and Turnitin which will be explained in
more detail in the workshops. There will be an opportunity to see your Turnitin
report on a draft prior to final submission.
Formatting Requirements
Assignments must be word-processed in 11 point Arial font with
1.5 line spacing
Margins must be as follows: Top: 1 inch,
Bottom: 1 inch (2.5 cm), Left: 1.25 inches, Right: 1.25 inches (3.2 cm)
All pages must be numbered
Assignments must not exceed the word count by more than 10% and any
excess beyond this will not be marked/graded
Word count should not include front cover, title page, contents page,
executive summary, references / bibliography list or appendices.
Feedback and return of work
There will be opportunities for formative feedback on progress within
specified tutorials before the assessment is submitted. Summative feedback and
marks will be available within three weeks of submission
McGunnigle October 2015
Student name
Student number
Host country
market sector
Page Count
Part A (30%)
Use an
established scanning framework (such as PESTE ) and cultural models (such as
Hofstede, Trompenaars etc.) to compare the UK and your host country for
similarities and differences. From this analysis, you should write a succinct
summary of the key features which might affect people management approaches
and practices in your host country
Tutor Comments
Part B
Drawing on
your research from Part A, and a critical analysis of people management
theories introduced within the lectures and seminars, recommend and justify
appropriate people management strategies, policies and practices in your
designated market sector in the host country investigated.
Demonstrates evidence of understanding strategic
orientation (EPRG) and approaches to people management (HRM or PM). Provides
suitable recommendations for and justification of an appropriate strategic
orientation and people management approach for the new operation.
Demonstrates an understanding of contemporary people
management activities including two of : resourcing, rewarding, training and
development and equality and diversity management of relevant groups of
employees (operative through to managerial staff). Provides suitable
recommendations for, and justifications of the people management activities .
Tutor Comments
General Comments (Structure, presentation and use of the
Harvard Reference System)
Moderators Comments (where appropriate)
Overall %
Overall %
Generic Assessment Criteria
Coursework is
marked using a percentage scale zero to one hundred. The criteria used by
tutors to award a grade within these ranges is explained below however there
are additional more detailed assessment criteria relating to the specific
sections of the report.
Distinction 70% and above
Outstanding work entirely
focused to the assignment question and objectives. The work must show up to
date, comprehensive and detailed knowledge of the subject area and relevant
literature that integrates theory with practice, where appropriate. The work
must show the students have developed their own ideas based on a wide range of
academic and evaluated evidence that has been thoroughly analysed, applied, and
discussed. The work must show the student can effectively critically review
evidence, draw conclusions, and suggest ideas to enhance organisational
processes and/or theory whilst recognising contextual limitations. The report
must be presented professionally, communicate key message and argument with
convincing substantiation and contain accurate referencing in appropriate
Merit 60-69%
Effective work highly
focussed to the assignment question and objectives. The work must show
effective knowledge of the subject area and relevant literature. The work must
show insightful use of theory to illuminate key aspects of practice, where
appropriate showing some development of their own ideas, applied and discussed
and related to a variety of sources of evidence. The work must show the student
can critically review and evaluate evidence, draw some conclusions and suggest
ideas clearly to improve organisational processes recognising some limiting
factors. The report must be highly organised with clear messages and argument
that are substantiated with evidence contain accurate referencing in
appropriate format.
Pass 50-59%
Satisfactory work focussed
to the main purpose of the assignment question and objectives. The work must
show satisfactory knowledge of the subject area and relevant literature. The
work must show key themes are used in an appropriate and straightforward manner
using appropriate terminology that informs analysis of theory and/or practice
where appropriate. Some evidence will have been collected and some ideas have
been developed through a mixture of description and criticism that has
stimulated evaluation of current practices through which limited ideas are
developed. The report must be organised to structure material that is relevant
with some coherence of message and argument backed by a limited range of
references in appropriate format.
Refer 30-49%
Unsatisfactory work, that is
unfocussed on the main purpose of the assignment question and objectives. The
work contains some shortcomings in terms of evidence of the subject area and
relevant knowledge. The work shows little evidence of the application of
literature to illuminate theory and/or practice where appropriate. Evidence is
weak, ideas are underdeveloped through lack of critical edge, and a tendency
towards description and a failure to appropriately evaluate theoretical and/or
practical processes from which the generation of new ideas is unsatisfactory.
The report may fail to organise ideas coherently, to provide a clear message,
argument, or substantiation and is supported by an inadequate range of
Fail Below 0-29%
Failing work that has not
addressed the assignment question or objectives. The work has serious
shortcomings in terms of evidence of the subject area and relevant knowledge.
The work shows little evidence of the application of literature to illuminate
theory or practice where appropriate. Evidence is weak and ideas are
underdeveloped through an absence of critical edge, predominance towards
description and a failure to make appropriate comparisons of theoretical and
practical processes from which generation of new ideas is very unsatisfactory.
The report fails to organise ideas coherently, to provide a clear message,
argument or substantiation and is supported by an inadequate range of
Distinction grade
Merit grade
Pass grade
Refer grade
(Below 0-29%)
Part A. Analytical evaluation of factors influencing
people management in your host country against the UK (30%)
scanning framework and cultural models to succinctly summarize the key factors
which may impact upon people management in host country.
In addition to the criteria identified for
the merit grade a submission of distinction quality will have accessed and
effectively used a range of academic articles and suitable sources to
generate data for analysis. It will also be able to articulate specific
implications for people management approaches between the UK and host country
in an outstanding way.
Engages with a range of sources to
generate secondary data on the UK and host country. Evaluates the quality of
the data and provides a considered analysis to summarise the data. Is able to
identify factors which will impact upon people management approaches and
practices which may need to be adjusted in the host country.
Engages in some useful research to
generate secondary data on the UK and host country but provides only a limited
analysis. Is able to suggest some implications for people management
practices in the post country based on the differences identified.
Has collected some secondary data on the
UK and host country but does not evaluate. Provides only a descriptive
overview of differences and fails identify similarities and differences. Is
able to suggest few implications on people management practices factors
Limited / poor data collection. Does not
compare the UK and host country analytically. No evaluation of the material.
Provides a very descriptive overview of differences. Is able to suggest no
implications on people management practices for the differences and
similarities identified.
Part B : Recommends and justifies appropriate people
management strategies and practices for specific groups of employees
(managers and operative staff) for the market sector in the host country
identified (70%).
of understanding strategic orientation and people management approaches.
Demonstrates an excellent understanding
via a critical evaluation of the theoretical models of strategic orientation
and people management approaches. This
critique of the theories demonstrates engagement with a range of
independently researched academic sources.
Provides evidence of a thorough
understanding the theoretical models of strategic orientation and people
management approaches. Is able to critique these theories and demonstrates a
good level of engagement through academic sources cited.
Provides good evidence of understanding
the theoretical models of strategic orientation and people management approaches.
Uses appropriate sources to reference understanding.
Provides limited evidence of an
understanding of the theoretical models of strategic orientation and people
management approaches. Uses limited academic sources to demonstrate
engagement with these theoretical arguments.
Shows no evidence of an understanding of
the theoretical models of strategic orientation and people management approaches.
Fails to cite relevant academic sources to demonstrate engagement with these
theoretical arguments.
and justifies appropriate strategic orientation and people management
Fulfils all the criteria for a merit grade
and in addition demonstrates an excellent application of the theoretical
arguments to the host country context and scenario. At the highest level
students will be able to evaluate the theoretical arguments and host country
data from Part A. Makes extensive use of independently researched sources.
Provides well-argued recommendations for
strategic orientation and approaches to people management for their host
country context and scenario. Uses independently researched academic
references and appropriate data from Part
A to clearly justify their strategic recommendations.
Provides clear and suitable
recommendations for strategic orientation and approaches to people management
for their hist country context and scenario. Uses academic references and
appropriate data from Part A to justify their strategic recommendations.
Provides only a few suitable
recommendations for strategic orientation and approaches to people management
for their host country context and scenario. Uses few academic references, or
Part A data to justify their recommendations.
Provides recommendations for strategic
orientation and approaches to people management but without any links to
their host country context or scenario. Fails to use academic references,
examples and Part A data to justify their recommendations.
of understanding contemporary people management activities including two of :
resourcing, rewarding, training and developing and managing the diversity of
relevant groups of employees
Demonstrates an excellent understanding of
the people management practices of two of : resourcing, rewarding, training and
developing and managing the diversity of relevant groups of employees
(managers and employees). This critique
demonstrates engagement with a range of independently researched academic
Provides evidence of a thorough
understanding of the people management practices of two of : resourcing,
rewarding, training and developing and managing the diversity of relevant
groups of employees (managers and employees).
Demonstrates a good level of engagement with these areas through the academic
sources cited.
Provides good evidence of understanding
the people management practices of two of : resourcing, rewarding,
training and developing and managing the diversity of relevant groups of
employees (managers and employees). Uses
appropriate sources to reference understanding.
Provides limited evidence of understanding
the people management practices of two of : resourcing, rewarding,
training and developing and managing the diversity of relevant groups of
employees (managers and employees). Uses minimal
academic sources to demonstrate engagement with these practices.
Shows little / no evidence of
understanding the people management practices of two of : resourcing,
rewarding, training and developing and managing the diversity of relevant
groups of employees (managers and employees).
Fails to cite relevant academic sources to demonstrate engagement with these
Recommends and justifies
contemporary people management activities including two of : resourcing,
rewarding, training and developing and managing the diversity of relevant
groups of employees
Fulfils all the criteria for a merit
grade. In addition demonstrates an excellent application of the people
management practices of resourcing, rewarding, training and developing
and managing the diversity of relevant groups of employees (managers and
employees) to their scenario. At the highest level
students will be able to evaluate the practices in light of the scenario and
host country data. Makes extensive use of independently researched sources.
Provides clear and suitable
recommendations the people management practices of resourcing, rewarding,
training and developing and managing the diversity of relevant groups of
employees (managers and employees) for their
scenario. Uses academic references, the business scenario and appropriate
part 1 data to justify these people management recommendations.
Provides clear and suitable
recommendations the people management practices of resourcing, rewarding,
training and developing and managing the diversity of relevant groups of
employees (managers and employees) for their
scenario. Uses academic references, the business scenario and appropriate
part 1 data to justify these people management recommendations.
Provides only a few suitable
recommendations for the people management practices of resourcing,
rewarding, training and developing and managing the diversity of relevant groups
of employees (managers and employees)
for their scenario. Uses few academic references, examples from their
business scenario and appropriate part 1 data to justify these people
management recommendations.
Provides recommendations for the people
management practices of resourcing, rewarding, training and developing
and managing the diversity of relevant groups of employees (managers and
employees) but without any links to the business
scenario. Fails to use academic references, examples from their business
scenario and appropriate part 1 data to justify these recommendations
Produces a professional report meeting all
key submission criteria as outlined in guide in addition to criteria for a merit
Conforms completely to submission
criteria. Structure and layout are carefully designed to answer assessment
brief. Few spelling and grammatical errors.
Follows submission criteria closely.
Structure and layout are clear and support achievement of learning outcomes.
Has eradicated majority of spelling and grammatical errors.
Struggles to follow the submission
criteria. The structure and layout fail to answer the assessment brief.
Contains several spelling and grammatical errors.
Does not meet the submission criteria.
Contains extensive spelling, grammatical mistakes, and inappropriate
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