Marketing is a fascinating field with so many topics to choose from. If you’re having trouble selecting a good one, have a look at this list of seven great marketing dissertation topic ideas to help you make up your mind.
- The ethics of marketing
- Marketing and the psychology of persuasion
- Marketing across cultures
- Social media as the new marketing channel
- Brand loyalty
- Marketing alcohol
- Product packaging and sales
Marketing by its very nature has the ability to influence people’s behaviour. There has been much debate about the morality of marketing unhealthy food to children at schools. Is marketing unhealthy food to children at schools ethical, given the obesity problem in children?
The psychology of persuasion has played a large part in marketing for a very long time. Indeed, marketing has been in the persuasion business since before the psychology of persuasion, as a field, even existed. Has marketing moved beyond the psychology of persuasion? Or will they always be inextricably linked?
Marketing differs across cultures for various reasons, and some of these differences are striking. How does marketing differ across the world? What are the main reasons for these differences? Can investigating these reasons help lead to better marketing strategies across the world?
Traditionally, marketing used various channels, such as print media, to get its message to potential consumers. With the rise of social media, many people claim that social media is the new channel for marketing. Is social media the new marketing channel? Or are the more traditional marketing channels still holding their own?
With so much choice available to consumers, brand loyalty becomes a lot more difficult to establish. How important is brand loyalty in modern marketing? Are there any new ways to improve brand loyalty and retain customers despite the large variety of products available?
The marketing of alcohol has long been a controversial issue, especially when it is directed at young people. Does marketing alcohol to young people lead to increased alcohol consumption? If so, does this have a lasting effect on their behaviour?
For years it has been believed that product packaging has a major effect on product sales, and companies have spent extremely large sums of money to develop the “perfect” packaging for their products. Does packaging still have such a major influence on product sales? Or are there other factors that have a larger impact on product sales?
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