B. TERM PAPER (15%) 1. Select a topic of
interest regarding the study of learning and find at least 6 academic journal
articles on the topic.
To do so, go to the SMU library or SMU library website
to find out about online academic search engines, which allow you to research a
topic for academic, peer-reviewed journal articles. 2. Combine the information
from the articles to answer these questions: Purpose: Why is the topic that you
chose important to study? Research methods: How is the topic studied? Results:
What are the results of the research studies? Discussion/Conclusion: What are
the future directions of the research? Limitations: What are the limitations of
the findings and how can future research overcome them? 3. Complete your paper
in Microsoft Word. The written portion of your paper is to be at least 10
doublespaced pages, plus a title page and reference page. You are to use 12
point font, 1 inch borders, double spacing, normal line and character spacing,
and headings/subheadings. There is to be no extra/unnecessary space between
paragraphs/sections. Do not use quotes. You must reference information within
the paper and include a reference list at the end of the paper. Properly
reference your selected articles using APA formatting. 4. Submit your paper in
hard copy by the due date specified in the Tentative Schedule below.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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