Using Randstad ( as a case study, prepare a report that:
•Identifies a potential target market for Randstad’s futureinternational expansion strategy. (This means that you must notchoose a market already servedby Randstad; doing so will result in failingthis assignment).
•Identifies the macro-environmental characteristics of this market.
•Critically analyses the key strategic issues the firm faces in expanding into this market (opportunities and threats in the firm’s external environment plus strengths and weaknesses in the firm’s internal environment).
•Recommends actions to be taken to ensure that this strategic international expansion is a success for the firm.
•Identifies a potential target market for Randstad’s futureinternational expansion strategy. (This means that you must notchoose a market already servedby Randstad; doing so will result in failingthis assignment).
•Identifies the macro-environmental characteristics of this market.
•Critically analyses the key strategic issues the firm faces in expanding into this market (opportunities and threats in the firm’s external environment plus strengths and weaknesses in the firm’s internal environment).
•Recommends actions to be taken to ensure that this strategic international expansion is a success for the firm.

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