Cloud Computing Assignmet

Details of the task

This will be a distinct piece of assessed work concerned with the application of cutting-edge technologies such as cloud computing.
 Assessment details:
Charity goes digital: A case of Cloud Computing adoption in ‘Action for Children’

Action for Children (AC) is one of the UK’s largest charities that respond to the needs of over 250000 children, young people, their parents and carers through 600 projects across the UK.

Founded in 1869, today the charity specializes in offering services including adoption and fostering, family support, and specialist schools for children and young people who are in care or disabled. To maximize their revenues to 198 million pounds and increase their outreach, the company recruited 5000 employees and 2000 regular volunteers. An efficient collaboration among those individuals and relevant stakeholders would not be feasible without adopting a multidimensional information system. It was necessary to share information in a real-time base and serve a bigger number of vulnerable children and their families.

During the last 3 years, AC relied on an independent agency to develop a web-based IS on a pay- as-you-go agreement. This reliance, however, created two problems for the charity. First the charity was locked into an agency and a host service with substantial cost and time to change.

“…Every time you want to change , you have got to lift the website up and move it somewhere else, it's become very time consuming and expensive” [AC’s  business technology director].

Second, demand spikes could easily overwhelm the servers and disable the charity’s website, for instance due to social media events when news was released.

“…Stephen fry’s tweet encouraged five million followers to visit our website and our shared services infrastructure could not cope with that much pressure” [AC’s  Marketing Director]

This prompted the charity to consider alternatives: either using a dedicated server or adopting the cloud. Moving the website to a dedicated server could be very costly and time consuming. Data scientist explains:
“…In addition the cost of having a website on the dedicated server, we lost about four days of not being able to edit the website because once it’s moved into that dedicated space nobody connected to it. You have lost the whole organization if we cannot edit the website for four days. In addition, analysing the charity’s data was another issue of concern

Recent Events

AC decided to adopt cloud computing regardless the ongoing resistance of government officials and other partners in the charity business. They needed to organize the data of multiple stakeholders, including customers, donators, fundraisers and potential foster parents’ data collected from multiple sources. AC aimed to integrate all unstructured data from social media such as Facebook and Twitter with other structured data.

However, the charity still investigates several major cloud providers and was subsequently convinced that the open platform hybrid model is the best way forward for them. Hence, the charity moved the website and some business applications into the open platform cloud in order to manage web traffic spikes more effectively in terms of costs and come up with a better stakeholder data analysis.

Your Task
You are a member of the SBS Consultant Team employed by the AC charity.

Please write a professional report that explores the risks associated with adopting cloud computing in the charity business and presents your analysis and recommendations for AC. Your discussion should help AC to successfully adopt cloud computing and integrate their open platform with the central UK charity on-line system with less resistance.

  • Identify key business and technical challenges of AC transitioning to a cloud computing strategy.
  • Creativity is Key
  • Use theoretical models to define and solve the challenges mentioned above.
  • Criticize the framework used with examples.
  • Consider barriers to implementation and how these might be overcome.
  • Build a persuasive argument that can be presented to the Executive Team.
  • Identify and recommend technologies that might be useful to encourage communication across the staff (blogs, wikis) as the charity expands its international portfolio.
  • Future recommendations for action for the AC team.

The word count is 2000 (NOT INCLUDING THE REFERENCES).

You must reference your report with a range of recent practitioner and academic publications (Include at least 10 references. References will not be included in the word count).
      70+ grade: Submission reflects critical review of the relevant theories and up-to-date readings on the topic to explain the social and technical setting that surrounds the cloud adoption in Action for Children’. A distinguished piece of assignment conducts a stakeholder analysis and develops a template of different challenges and benefits that face each stakeholder group while adopting this new technology. It also offers future recommendations for Action for children management team.
For References
You must use the Harvard Referencing Style for your work.

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