Computer Security Basics Assignment

Homework -251
Every document must be in APA Format.
2. From the Computer Security Basics text: Summarize the C-I-A model of security as a single page reference document. (Length – 1 page, along with references).
3. Locate a recent news item (less than one month old) that deals with an issue of Data Security or Information Assurance. Summarize the data security incident using your own words in a paragraph. Include the link to the news item in your document. (Length – 1 and half page along with the references).

4. There is a difference between data security and information assurance.  Create the definitions of data security and information assurance, and then list two issues of data security and two issues of information assurance in any IT context.  Be certain to have issues of each that relate both as 'intentional' as well as 'unintentional'. (Length – 2 pages, along with the references).
5. From the Executive Guide to Information Security text:
a. In Chapter 1, each of the charts and graphs is somewhat dated now. Pick any one and update the figures through 2009.
b. Summarize the HIPPA act and its relationship to data security and information assurance within IT. List an authoritative web reference for HIPPA.
c. Summarize the Sarbanes-Oxley act and its relationship to data security and information assurance within IT. List an authoritative web reference for Sarbanes-Oxley.
(2 pages, along with references).

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